My online interview on

Learn By Watch, is a platform conceived by Dr. Yogendra Pal, which propagates online education through Hindi. This is gaining excellent foothold, as the creator, Dr. Yogendra, has been constantly experimenting with the proven guidelines in this domain, with the appropriate modifications to suit the context. His research in this area is being applauded worldwide, and stalwart like Mark Guzdial has written about his findings.

During his last visit at IITB, Dr. Yogendra expressed his desire to start an online talk series about Free Educational Projects in India. Subsequently, we had an online chat, which he has beautifully converted to a video interview.

The video nicely captures my views about this course, how students can get advantage from this course, my experience of making this course and how colleges and institutes can run this course in their institutes. I hope this interview will be beneficial for students who want to learn animation, teachers who are planning to run a course online and college/institutes who want to teach animation to their students.


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Researcher in the areas of visual design for eLearning and 3D animation for elearning

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